Un pueblo

Luis Hernández Mellizo

June 4, 2009

July 18, 2009


Notes on a People. The Need for Return (read as if it were an inaugural speech)

Good evening. This exhibition brings together several works by a Colombian artist based on the image of a prominent figure of the Liberal Party, who was a presidential candidate, Minister of Education, Minister of Labor, and who served as mayor of Bogotá before the end of the first half of the last century. Going against one of the two historiographical tendencies that are usually presented when dealing with this politician, this artist does not focus on promoting any hypothesis about the motives that led to his assassination; but he does strive to try to
to resolve the question of what would have happened if the dizzying career of that leader had been able to continue. To do so, he chooses to follow a method based on at least three questions: how is the political ideology that that leader defended in his public appearances assumed today? Have those who have clung to the idea of perpetuating his memory done so based on the attraction they felt towards the politician's charisma or on the analysis of the viability of his proposals and government actions? And are these types of reflections sufficient to support
an artistic work?